Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Acrylamide and the 10 Worst Foods


Growing up in a Chinese household, my Old Earth (Mom) would always tell me to avoid fried food, but of course, I’d always ignore her and eat it anyways because salt, sugar, fat translated to yummy AND also would mean I’d have to drink some type of herbal tea to balance on the “fire” element within my body. Within the science of Chinese medicine/health, there is five elements – wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. In fact, the five elements are a good part of Chinese culture, even my Chinese name had to be drawn up, thought about and see if it fit the balance of the five elements. Sounds mathematical? That’s because it is.

Here’s an excerpt taken from The Taoist Secrets of Long Life and Good Health: A Complete Programme to Rejuvenate Mind, Body and Spirit By Charles Chan

Fried Food

In Spring 2002, Swedish Scientists discovered acrylamide, a carcinogenic substance, which made headlines. Several other European countries also corroborated Sweden’s discovery. Acrylamide forms from raw ingredients during traditional cooking methods such as frying or baking, the longer the cooking at high temperatures, the more acrylamide will be formed. Acrylamide causes cancer in test animals, which strongly suggests that acrylamide can also cause cancer in humans. Eating fried food is a double jeopardy to your health. It is wise to avoid eating high-fat food anyways and now you have got yet another compelling reason to pass on the fatty potato chips and other ‘goodies’.

More info on Acrylamide here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acrylamide

Oh yeah, check out this White Girl talking about the 10 Wrong, I mean WORST Foods to eat:

(Thanks, Freedom.)

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